
TheirStack lets you, given one or several company names or domains, get data about the technologies the company and the technologies they use and mention in their jobs.

Additionally, we give you quantitative data about each technology for each company: in how many jobs it appeared, when was the first and last time…

Why doing this?

🧠 Imagine you run a SaaS company that has integrations with other products.

❓You probably have a sales team and want to qualify the leads and signups you have in some way.

A good starting point is using a combination of:

🔍 TheirStack has all that data, and we have coverage and details on technologies that other providers don’t have.

💸 By knowing which products the companies in your prospect and signup lists use, you’ll be able to qualify them much better and prioritize those that use the products your SaaS integrates with.

Enriching companies one-by-one

There are two ways that you’d want to enrich companies:

We’ll cover next the first case


Imagine you want to know whether the companies from the domain you want to enrich use databases like Postgres or MySQL, data warehouses like Redshift or BigQuery, and other data tools like dbt or AWS Athena.

We have a mapping of technologies ↔ categories they belong to, and there are over 400 categories. To know the category that any technology belongs to, look for it in this spreadsheet.


