
While TheirStack doesn’t have contact data, other tools like Apollo are great at this, and we provide seamless integration with them where in 1 click you can search for people from the companies returned by TheirStack searches

Creating an Apollo.io account

To make use of our integration with Apollo, you need to create an account with them too. To do so, sign up here.

Finding people from companies found in a job search

If you’re searching for jobs with TheirStack, like described here, with 1 click you can look for people from those companies on Apollo. Here’s how:

Step by step

First, do a job search. In this case, looking for data engineering jobs, for example.


You’ll see a “Find people” button**.** You’ll see that a dropdown list appears, to search for people on different platforms.


Click on On Apollo and a new Apollo.io tab will open in your browser with the companies field pre-filled with the companies returned by TheirStack in the previous step


Then, add the job title of the people in those companies you want to reach out to. For example, CTOs, in the Job Title section:


Finally, select all the contacts you want, and then click on Save to get their contact data.
