TheirStack helps you find potential users of the products or services your company sells (user personas). In this guide, we’ll show you how it can also help you find the people at those companies that can make a decision to buy or not your product (buyer personas)

Finding user personas

For example, if your company can help companies that are hiring accountants, or support, or operations people, we can help you find companies with open positions in those areas (and in any other you can think of).

For example, we have over 11k operations jobs in the last week alone

For example, we have over 11k operations jobs in the last week alone

Or if the fact that a company uses a certain technology, like Snowflake, or Kafka, or thousands of other technologies, we can tell you companies that mention them in their jobs. Let’s do Kafka

When you type the name of a technology, you get the total number of jobs and companies found mentioning it in our database, all-time

When you type the name of a technology, you get the total number of jobs and companies found mentioning it in our database, all-time

Once you’ve selected the technology from the dropdown list, click on search and within a few seconds you’ll get the latest jobs mentioning the technologies you’ve selected. In this case, we have over 1500 jobs mentioning Kafka in the last week:


If you wanted to reach out to people from these companies that use Kafka, all you’d have to do is get the job titles that they’re hiring for. They probably have hired similar people in the past


With this, you could go to tools like LinkedIn or Apollo (we have integrations with both, check out the links) and look for those roles to find potential users of your products.

Finding buyer personas

Many times, the buyer persona would be the manager of the person that a company hires. And in a significant proportion of jobs, the description tells us who this manager would be.

To get this, you could:

But we’ve already done that for you 😎 It’s available under the manager_roles field that our API and UI return.